The story is never easy to recall & it is certainly never something we want to revisit however the lessons that made us stronger, wiser & more compassionate will be with us forever. Today, when I look at my wife I sometimes worry, sometimes cry and sometimes I just kiss her on the face and thank the Lord above that she is still with me. The fight is over and she won but the war is still on. The war between her and her mind is a battle that I can not see and I can not feel but one in which I know is ongoing. She is a warrior with characteristics similar to those of a tough ultra-marathon runner. Physically she has and continues to demonstrate an ability to absorb pain beyond belief. Mentally she has overcome the initial fear of dying and now has trained her mind to focus on life rather than the potential return of cancer. There should be no greater hero in the life of ours sons, Kyle & Ian, than their mother who was not and is not afraid to stare cancer in the face without fear.
This woman is my hero, someone I love, someone I respect and someone that I admire.