Sunday, February 2, 2025

Update on Angela's Condition Post Surgery

 February 2, 2025

Angela has had a remarkable recovery from surgery on Wednesday. The procedure included the removal of a lesion on her liver and the repair of her diaphragm after it was resectioned. Though she is in pain, she remains active and restless. Might need her "Angels" to advise her to slow down and follow the doctor's orders.

Surgery Results

 January 28, 2025

A little tear dripped down my face as the doctor just confidently told me surgery was a success. There is healing to be done but there is now light where it was once dark. Angela has taught me that when things are at their lowest is when you have to stand tall. #angelasangels

Surgery Rescheduled

 January 28, 2023

When you take life a day at a time without looking too far ahead the things that are way ahead of you always catch you off guard. It might seem shocking for me to say that my wife's surgery tomorrow snuck up on me but since she's been sick we both value every minute of every day as they come. In exactly 549 minutes from the time I'm writing this note, she will be in the hospital preparing to go into the OR. I'm hopeful she sleeps easily tonight and is not scared. I could call her a warrior, a fighter, a winner and while she is all of that and more what she is most to me is the love of my life. I ask that you please keep her in your thoughts and prayers tonight and tomorrow so that she may overcome this disease once and for all. #angelasangels

Surgery conflict

 January 10, 22025

Penn is an outstanding medical facility but like everything outstanding there is always opportunity for improvement. The medical professionals are some of the best in the world but the planning and scheduling team leaves a bit to be desired.
After a 5 hour wait due to rooms being over booked and another 1 hour prep time Angela was informed at 5:20 p.m. that an operating room was not available.
It's been a long day but based on the circumstances it was the right decision. She is disappointed and frustrated that surgery will have to wait until February but the safety of all involved as well as the quality of work is priority number one.

Surgery to remove cancer

 January 10, 2025

Today marks a crucial milestone in my wife's battle against cancer. Please keep her in your thoughts as she continues down the healing path. #angelasangels
All reactions:
Angela Bursler, Thomas Allen Bursler and 79 others