Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Consistent by DB


The word consistent is what we live by in our home. The ups and downs, twists and turns result in different emotions, but our direction is always forward. I think most people get there at some point in their lives mostly due to maturity but in our case, it was due to disease.
There are many roads people can take when diagnosed with a chronic illness but not all of those roads will lead to harmony. Even as we travel down our chosen path there are crossroads that challenge our decision to stay the straight and narrow. It takes two individuals with different qualities to come together to fend off weakness & temptation to keep each other positive and strong.
January 1st, 2014, my wife experienced the first symptoms of cancer and now almost 10 years later to the day her diagnosis has significantly improved. Our road has been long, but our love has strengthened thru the storm, and she is alive and beating the odds.
Thank you so much for all of those who have prayed for her or kept her in your thoughts. I am of the belief that this support enables her to have the will to live.
This is not over, and we will not let our guard down. The odds can be what they may but will not factor into how we live our life.
Love you so much Angela Bursler and I am hopeful the PET scan results allow you to have a lengthy chemo break that you so deserve.

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