Friday, March 28, 2014

Chemo update: week 5 treatment #4. 3-25-14

Chemo update: week 5 treatment #4. After a week off my wife returned to the center today for her 4th visit. While we had an excellent week off there was a lot of apprehension leading up to today. Todays visit mimics the first mixture of meds that were introduced into her system which resulted in major side effects. Both my wife & I are people that immediately develop solutions to problems so we armed with different ways to fend off the side effects this time around however the potential that there could be a repeat performance from round 1 is very scary. As I drove back home from taking my boy to school this morning I teared up for the first time in weeks. The mere thought of poison being injected into her body is very upsetting to me. My wife is very brave. She internalizes her emotions to protect the kids & I but I could tell over the last couple of days that she was upset about today. I’m there to take care of her every moment of the day even when I’m not physically present both my heart & my mind are focused on caring for my wife. I will admit I’m not looking forward to another 3-4 days of watching her suffer with no way to protect her but I’m getting used to being quiet and just holding her hand. Every day that goes by I know in my heart that all will be okay and we will again return to our normal life. In the mean time our family has become stronger, more close & caring for one another. I’ll end this note like I end most notes to my wife---I love you Angela!

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