Monday, February 10, 2014

Treatment Plan

At today's appointment we discussed the type of cancer that has been identified & treatment plan to kill it off. First there was no cancer found in her lymph nodes meaning her type of cancer has been categorized as 3A.  Also what was originally thought to be a rare mucninex tumor ("evil stepsister") turned out to be a more common type of cancer called serous carcinoma.  As the more common type of ovarian cancer there is a well-defined treatment plan that will be utilized.  Next on the docket will baseline blood testing scheduled for tomorrow & then the insertion of a chemo port which is scheduled for next week. Chemotherapy is scheduled to start at Dr. Whitney's facility in Stanton on 2/25. The doctor stressed the importance of starting treatment within 28 days of surgery because there is research that indicates rapid cell growth within that time period. The medicines that will be used to treat the cancer are Taxol, Carboplatin & Avasten all with their own unique side effects. She will undergo a day of treatment one day a week for 3 weeks starting the 28th & then will rest on the 4th week.  After following this cycle for 3 months additional testing will take place to confirm progress has been made. If the analysis indicates no further growth or at least stability the cycle will continue for another 3 months.  All in all we both felt comfortable that we are on the right path to wellness.

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